3D-tegning er rigtigt godt til at skabe et forenklet og indbydende overblik. Her er det brugt til at anskueliggøre en GoMonkeys-oplevelsespark med 3 niveauer af klatreudfordinger. Parken bliver opført i parken overfor Københavns Zoo.
Forfatter: René Birkholm
Jeg tegner i mange stilarter, hvilket giver jobs af meget forskellig karakter. Ofte er det sjove tegninger, men indimellem kan baggrunden også være ret alvorlig. Engang blev jeg bedt om at lave tegninger fra et retsmøde, hvor fotografering er forbudt. Fornylig skulle jeg lave en såkaldt fantomtegning – som er et portræt, der er konstrueret af en ukendt eftersøgt gerningsmand. Fantomtegningen anvendes som hjælpemiddel til at identificere eller advare imod den ukendte gerningsmand.
Det kan være hårdt for den forurettede eller vidner at få stykket beskrivelsen sammen, fordi forbrydelsen genfremkaldes.
Som tegner er det naturligvis vigtigt at bevare en objektiv tilgang og prøve at skildre gerningsmanden, så præcist som muligt. Selvom gerningsmanden har gjort noget rigtigt frastødende, må man som tegner bekæmpe sin lyst til at fremstille en stereotypisk skurk.
Tror i grunden det giver den bedste gengivelse, hvis man som tegner er uvidende om selve forbrydelsen.
Det var tilfældet med denne fantomtegning, der er tegnet på baggrund af den forurettedes gode hukommelse, men uden et særligt kendskab til forbrydelsen.
Den rette tegnestil
Jeg tegner i mange stilarter og det er selvsagt vigtigt at bruge den rigtige stil i forhold til emnet og målgruppen. Der er noget nær uendelig mange muligheder. Her er 4 forskellige til en børnebog til en test i form af en afstemning inden illustrationsarbejdet for alvor går i gang.
Jeg kan envidere tilbyde at tage hånd om layoutet og fremstilling af bog til tryk. Der er en god pointe i at lade illustratoren stå for det grafiske layout af bogen, for at opnå en spændende helhed, hvor tekst og billeder spiller sammen.
Censur og porno på nettet
Tegninger kan gøre en indviklet tekst nemmere at forstå eller tilføje noget fest og farve. Denne illustration til en artikel om porno og censur var det ualmindeligt sjovt at lave.
Så er det nu der skal laves firma-ferie-kort! Jeg er altid parat med en sjov illustration:)
Check points by logo design
Be conscious about these points at logo design.
1. The size. Does the logo work in small? Thin lines and small
details risk blurring when the logo is minimized.
2. Trendy styles. Does the logo contain trendy style elements?
It can be ok for the young age group, but the logo will seem old
fashion in a short time.
3. Medias. Does the logo work in every media? It’s not enough the
logo looks great on the screen. The ultimate logo should be
copied in a copy machine without damaging loss of quality.
Therefore consider the use of gradations and many colour
values. 3-D and shadow effects are hard to reproduce in every
media. The good logo will work in pure black and white.
4. Identity. Does the logo reflect the identity of the company?
5. Simplicity. Is the logo simple and easy to remember? It has to
be that. A quick reading must be possible.
6. Outstanding. Is the logo unique? Is the idea used before?
Some ideas are used millions of times. For instance the eye and
the globe.
This is the kind of simplicity that we aim for well working trademark
This dsicription is an continuation of the blog Character design tutorial 1
In the last tutorial we made this character drawing and scanned it into the computer. Now open it in Photoshop.
Open Threshold
Adjust to make the blue disappear.
The blue is gone.
Double click the background layer …
… and click ok …
… to change it to a normal layer (with many more options)
Make a new empty layer
Place it below the line-art layer. Call the layers line and color.
Change the blending mode for the line layer to multiply.
Lock the line layer.
Now we are going to add colors. The white paper background of the “line” layer is transparent because it’s in multiply-mode:)
If there are no gaps in the line-art use the paint bucket to add color.
Else use a pencil or brush
Select the magic wand tool
Select a colored element. Here the glove.
Select the burn tool.
Select a soft brush (0% hardness)
Make the right-side shadow dark with the burn tool.
Select the Dodge Tool behind the burn tool.
Use the Dodge tool to make the left-side light.
Imagine the light coming from left creating a light and a dark side.
Deselect (Notice the shortcut for next time).
Use this technique on all the parts of the drawing.
Character design tutorial 1
A good character has a significant profile that makes him different and easy to distinguish from other characters.
This is the case for fun characters …
… as well as more fantasy like or realistic characters.
You have to know the look of your character from at least three different angels.
So, …
1. Pick one of the templates below, download it and print it (in color to get the blue color) … or make your own from scratch.
2. Sketch your character on top of the blue template print.
3. Use pencil and a soft eraser for the sketching.
4. Draw the sketching with a light hand. Don’t pressure. Many small light strokes is the right way.
5. Draw vertical pencil lines to make the dimensions fit.
6. Don’t follow the template lines but break them to make your own unique character.
7. Ink with e.g. a black marker pen. Real black! Later we will remote the blue in Photoshop and that demands a deep black.
8. Erase the pencil strokes.
9. Check that there are no gaps on the stroke. If you close them the next step, coloring, will be easier.
Done … for now:)
Poster design tips
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